Friday, November 19, 2010


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Wow!  This has been a busy week and I'm so glad that Friday's finally arrived.  I've had something to do almost every night this week and it's definitely taking it's toll on me.  A friend sent me an email earlier that sent me into a slight (very, very slight) moment of panic - the last sentence was

 Hope you guys have a good weekend – who knows, could be your last baby free one! Haha J
Yes, I knew before this email that Abby's impending arrival could very well be next week, but I hadn't thought about it this way until now.  CRAZY!

Anyways, I have big plans for this weekend that include decorating our Christmas tree (gotta be ready in case she does decide to come), finalizing/rearranging a few little things in Abby's room, completing the dreaded master bedroom curtains (they're really almost done, I just need to make myself actually finish them), picking up a few Christmas presents, and potentially going to tailgate with friends for the UT/Vandy game (the husband really wants to do this, but I'm still undecided - I'll just have to see how I feel tomorrow afternoon).  Here's to hoping that the motivation I feel at this very moment continues once I get home from work so these things actually get done! :)

I hope you guys all have a fabulous weekend!  See you Monday!

* Oh yeah, for those of you wondering, we went back to the doctor yesterday and now I'm at 2 cm and 50% effaced so progress is still being made.  Also, being checked hurt just as much the second time around (although breathing - as opposed to holding my breath - seemed to help a little bit).  Since Thanksgiving is Thursday, we go back on Tuesday next week instead.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hope you have a great weekend! It's getting so close...