Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Top 2 Tuesday

I hope everyone's having a lovely Tuesday.  I'll be honest, I'm in a bit of a funk today.  I think I'm just really tired, but it is totally throwing me off my game today and I'm just ready for tomorrow to be here already.  Too bad I can't go home and go straight to bed when I leave work tonight - we're taking a class to finally learn how to use our camera (yeah, the one we bought almost 2 years ago...whatever, better late than never!) and it's not over until 9.  Here's to hoping that I find a second wind sometime this afternoon!

Anyways, since it's Tuesday, it's time, yet again, for Top 2 Tuesday over at Taylor's.  This week's topic is

Top 2 Favorite Places in Your Home

And just for the record, you now have permission to go find the largest rock you possibly can and throw it at me because you're not getting any pictures of either space - the first because I'm waiting to post pictures when I get the artwork up and the 2nd because I'm waiting until I finish making the curtains (this will happen someday, I promise).

1.  Abby's nursery - I love this room and am so happy with how it's turning out.  I've put so much time, money and effort into it and I think it's all paid off because it's looks exactly how (if not better than) I ever imagined it would when we first began this process.  It just makes me happy to go in here.

2.  Our bedroom - This is huge for me because I pretty much hated this room for 2.5 years.  It was a gawd-awful color (AL Crimson Red to be exact - sorry to all my AL friends, but this UT girl just couldn't handle it - I mean, come on, would you want to sleep in a TN Orange room every night?) and I never really loved the bedding we had before (since it was only purchased because it matched the AL Crimson Red walls).  And because we have dark cherry furniture, it completely blended in with the walls.  Now the walls are a perfectly neutral color so our furniture can actually be seen and we have beautiful bedding that I love.  The only thing I would like to change would be getting new carpet, but I'm totally ok with waiting on that for a while.

What are your favorite places at home?  Go visit The Undomestic Momma and tell us about them!

1 comment:

The Undomestic Mom said...

Those both sound fabulous :)